by Alethea Tinkle

Dark spots can be caused by a few different things. The sun can cause dark spots on your hands, arms, or face because these areas are usually exposed to the sun more than other areas of the body.
Hormone changes can also cause dark spots on your skin. This is common during pregnancy and can fade when your hormones are regulated.
As we age, dark spots can suddenly appear anywhere on the body, eek!. These age spots, also called hyperpigmentation, happen when the skin produces too much melanin. Melanin is what gives your hair, skin, and eyes their color, but sometimes, we’ll get small spots on our skin with increased melanin.
Dark spots can appear on your hands, shoulders, or face. Dark spots are usually harmless and don’t need to be treated. However, you may want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Dark spots are often caused by sun damage, but they can be caused by other factors as well. Here are my top tips to reduce dark spots:
What Causes Dark Spots?
Dark spots can be caused by a few different things. The sun can cause dark spots on your hands, arms, or face because these areas are usually exposed to the sun more than other areas of the body.
Hormone changes can also cause dark spots on your skin. This is common during pregnancy and can fade when your hormones are regulated.
Certain medications can also cause hyperpigmentation. NSAID anti-inflammatory medications, psychotropic medications, and tetracyclines can cause dark spots on your skin.
You might also have a dark area after a bout of eczema or psoriasis. A cut or burn can also cause a dark spot after it heals. Often, these dark spots will fade with time, so you don’t need to worry too much!
Diagnosing Dark Spots
Although most dark spots are harmless, it’s always a good idea to get them checked. A doctor can perform tests to ensure that the dark spot is not a cause for concern.
How to Cover Dark Spots
Until dark spots fade or while you use a treatment to reduce dark spots, you can cover them up. Concealers and foundations that match your skin tone can hide dark spots temporarily. You can also use color correcting concealers under your makeup products. For reddish spots, use green color correcting concealer and purple or green for spots with a yellow hue. For brown spots, use orange or yellow under your concealer.
How to Reduce Dark Spots
There are several ways to reduce the appearance of dark spots. Talk to your dermatologist or aesthetician for the best method for your skin because the treatment can depend on the size, color, and cause of your dark spots. Remember, skin care is not a one-size-fits-all, so it’s important to check with a professional who can recommend the best treatment for YOU.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatments can reduce the appearance of age spots. The laser targets the excess melanin and breaks it up to reduce the age spots. Our Flawless Finish Makeover uses a laser to target hyperpigmentation to even skin tone. Our Bella’s Lux Laser Refresh Facial, our most popular laser facial, also helps reduce the appearance of age spots.
Microdermabrasion treatment uses a device that removes the outer layer of skin. This can promote collagen production to reduce dark spots. The Green Goddess CBD Oil Facial uses Diamond Microdermabrasion to remove the top layer of skin. After that, we use CBD oil and a sweet almond oil mask to hydrate the skin.
Prescription Creams
There are prescription-strength creams that reduce the appearance of age spots by bleaching the skin. This can take several months, but it is noninvasive and doesn’t require any downtime post-treatment.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels work by exfoliating your skin, which promotes skin cell regeneration. Over time, they can fade dark spots, however, this can take several treatments. Our VI Peel is a great option because there’s no downtime after the treatment. It improves skin tone and texture while reducing dark spots and scarring.
How to Prevent Dark Spots
Not all dark spots can be prevented. Dark spots from normal aging, hormone fluctuations, or from taking certain medications may not be able to be avoided. However, you can be proactive to prevent some age spots before they even appear.
Always use sunscreen when you will be in the sun. You should wear sunscreen on your face every day, even in the winter. This helps to prevent or slow down age spots caused by sun damage.
For the rest of your body, wear sunscreen when you will be in the sun. For best results, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, even if you aren’t in the water. If you are outside during peak sun exposure hours, wear a wide-brimmed hat or try to be in the shade to avoid sun exposure.
I hope you found this post helpful when it comes to getting rid of dark spots! I know how scary it might be to see them for the first time but rest assured they’re totally normal and not usually a cause for concern. Once again, make sure you check in with your aesthetician (if you’re in Atlanta, hit me up!) to get professional help when it comes to reducing them (and preventing them from even appearing in the first place!).