Bella Medspa is the leading provider of laser vein removal treatments in greater Atlanta



About Elite+ Laser Vein Removal

When small capillaries and veins break down and become damaged because of trauma, aging, or a condition such as rosacea, they mar your skin and distract attention from your more flattering features. Such veins are not only unsightly, but also unnecessary. What’s worse, spider veins (also known as telangiectasias) and other broken blood vessels no longer function properly.

At Bella’s Buckhead and Alpharetta locations, we offer the Elite+ laser vein removal technology to remove instantly and permanently unwanted, nonfunctioning veins. The Elite+ creates an immediate, noticeable improvement that also improves over the next few weeks.

Once exposed to the laser, your unsightly veins constrict and evaporate. After just one laser vein removal treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office, you’ll notice that your skin is clearer and may even be free of spider veins. Best of all, your skin isn’t damaged by the treatment.

Each Elite+ treatment takes about five to 30 minutes, depending on how many sites you want treated and how large an area is targeted. You may improve enough after just one session or may require a series of up to four treatments to get the unblemished skin you desire. If you have facial redness from rosacea, your aesthetician may recommend up to six treatments.

Benefits of Laser Vein Removal

After your Elite+ laser vein removal treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta location, your skin will look clear and radiant. The heat from the laser also causes your skin to remodel itself with its key building components – collagen and elastin. Over the next weeks to months, you’ll notice that your skin looks fresher, younger, and healthier – because it is.

If you have other skin issues besides spider veins and broken blood vessels, your aesthetician may be able to address these in the same treatment session. By switching between the two wavelengths available on the Elite+ laser vein removal device, your Buckhead or Alpharetta aesthetician can target not only nonfunctioning veins, but also age spots, sunspots, fine lines, and wrinkles.

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that so many Buckhead and Alpharetta women and men turn to Bella for laser vein removal.

How Does Laser Vein Removal Work?

The special 1064-nm wavelength in the Elite+ laser vein removal technology used at our Buckhead and Alpharetta offices selectively targets only blood in the tiny veins without affecting superficial skin or surrounding tissues, making this the gold standard and safest treatment available. Elite+ uses selective light that targets the blood inside your tiny veins. Once the light gets absorbed by the blood in the vein, it heats up, causing the veins to shrink and eventually fade, leaving behind beautiful skin.

When Will I See Results?

How long our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients see results of their laser vein removal treatment varies. Some vessels disappear immediately during the treatment, while others turn slightly grey or purple. This color change fades in about 10 to 14 days after the treatment.

How to Prepare for Your Laser Vein Removal Treatment

Before your laser vein removal treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office, please let us know of any medical conditions that may be of significance to the laser procedure, such as pregnancy, tendencies to develop cold sores and fever blisters, any allergies, recent facial peels or surgeries, and all current prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, such as Accutane, tetracycline, hormone replacement therapy, or the use of Retin-A. In addition:

  • Do not use self-tanning lotions or tanning booths two weeks prior to your laser vein removal treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office.
  • Do not sunbathe two weeks prior to your appointment. If you arrive with a tan or sunburn, you may be rescheduled because of the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for your own safety.

If you are scheduled for laser vein removal treatment of the legs at our Buckhead or Alpharetta location, then please shave the area and do not apply lotion to legs on the day of your appointment. For facial vein treatment, please shave any facial hair just prior to your appointment.

What to Expect During Your Laser Vein Removal Treatment

A gel will be applied to the areas to be treated. The gel acts as a safety barrier between the laser and your skin.

You will be required to wear protective goggles. Your aesthetician will move the laser handpiece up and down the area being treated until the entire area is covered.

Our Buckhead and Alpharetta laser vein removal clients tell us the treatment feels like a mild warming sensation. It is a comfortable treatment, but we can add air cooling to help with any discomfort that develops.

What to Expect After Your Laser Vein Removal Treatment at Our Buckhead or Alpharetta Office

After one treatment, you will notice your targeted blood vessels beginning to fade. Some clients require multiple treatments, typically between one and three. It is important to elevate your legs for the next 48 hours after the treatment to get the best results. This allows your body to reabsorb the vessels; otherwise, the ongoing pressure of walking may cause the vessel to remain. During your initial consultation, we will review the number of treatment sessions that are best for you.

Aftercare and Possible Side Effects

You may expect a certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after your laser vein removal treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office. If any discomfort or irritation persists, then please notify our office. In addition, follow these aftercare instructions:

  • Elevate your legs for the first 48 hours.
  • Wear support hose for at least 72 hours.
  • Do not engage in vigorous aerobic activity such as running, hiking, or aerobic exercise for at least 72 hours.
  • Stay out of the sun for one week. Use a medical-grade sunblock for any sun exposure.
  • You can expect treated areas to remain red and swollen for the first 24 to 48 hours. In some cases, this may last up to one week.
  • It is possible to have pain from the treatment of larger veins for several days post-treatment. Tylenol and/or arnica are recommended for any discomfort.
  • The skin of the treated areas may tend to itch. This is a sign of healing. Keep areas hydrated with moisturizer and apply hydrocortisone cream to itchy areas three to four times daily until itchiness subsides.
  • In some cases, the treated skin may blister. Do not scratch or open the blister, as this could cause permanent scarring and/or infection. Keep the areas clean and apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Polysporin. Treated correctly, the blister will heal without scarring.
  • A red scab may form under the skin. It may appear for a few weeks and then will be reabsorbed by the body. This is supposed to happen and is a sign of successful treatment.
  • Brown spots or hemosiderin staining is caused by a release of iron from the re-absorption of veins and can remain for up to six months.

Bruising is a common side effect reported by our Buckhead and Alpharetta laser vein removal clients. Bruising is temporary and will dissipate within a matter of days or weeks depending on your individual healing process. Arnica is recommended if you tend to bruise, as it helps reduce bruising and eases the soreness of bruising.

*Disclaimer: This site and its content have been published for information and advertising purposes only. Results are never guaranteed and vary from patient to patient. Bella Medspa takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content. Please contact us to book an appointment for individual diagnosis and treatment plan.