$275.00 – $1,100.00

After Botox and Dysport came Xeomin. Approved by the FDA for the treatment of severe frown lines and adults with cervical dystonia or blepharospasm (eye spasm), Xeomin is used by many people worldwide, include quite a few of our clients at our Buckhead and Alpharetta locations. The newest of the botulinum toxin type A products, Xeomin blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing a temporary reduction in muscle activity. It is used to treat spasms in the neck muscles and eye muscle conditions that are caused by nerve disorders.
While all three fillers provide our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients comparable results, Xeomin has significant differences. Unlike Botox and Dysport, Xeomin does not contain additives. As a result, a client’s likelihood of developing antibodies may decrease. Furthermore, it takes roughly one week for the full effects of Xeomin injections to be visible. Once this occurs, results last from three to six months.
$11 per unit