by Bella Medspa

Now we have even more substantiated reasons to destress and keep our minds focused on positivity – and it can actually prevent wrinkles!
How we think about ourselves, the words that we use to describe our skin, and the thoughts that we think can have a big impact on how we age and ultimately look and feel. This phenomenon is called psychodermatology and is widely studied, practiced, and growing in popularity.
Aligned with the growing health and wellness movement, we are all now learning more about how our thoughts affect us physically. Psychodermatology is one study and explanation of how stress can physically manifest into skin cancers, fine lines, and even under eye bags.
But there is good news!
Just as we can negatively affect our skin by being stressed or obsessing over breakouts and fine lines, we can also positively affect the look of our skin by focusing on how healthy our skin is, how great at healing it is, and the benefits of the efforts that were making including receiving treatments and using quality products.
Our thoughts and stress factors can have both positive and negative effects on the body and skin; remembering this power is a good healthy practice.
How can you harness the power of psychodermatology?
Have an experienced professional get to know your skin and guide you to your best, healthiest skin, educating you on the correct ingredients and treatments to help achieve your goals.
Look at your skin with approval in the mirror each day. I know this can be challenging if you are frustrated with your skin. Try these positive affirmations to boost your mood and mindset.
- My skin is wonderful at healing
- I love my healthy skin!
- Every day my skin looks younger and healthier
- My skin is clear, balanced, and vibrant
- I release all stress and worry about my skin
- I trust that all of my efforts are making a wonderful impact
- My skin is improving every day
Let’s rewrite harmful terminology such as “anti-aging.” I don’t want my clients to feel anti-anything about themselves. Maturing is a beautiful thing, and we can do so gracefully and intentionally and stay looking our best and keeping our skin healthy. Being mindful of the words and phrases that we use about ourselves, our skin, and our maturing has actual physical effects on our body and skin.
Learn more about psychodermatology and how it may be affecting your skin.
Psychodermatology is the treatment of skin disorders using psychological and psychiatric techniques by addressing the interaction between mind and skin. Though historically there has not been strong scientific support for its practice, there is increasing evidence that behavioral treatments may be effective in the management of chronic skin disorders.
The practice of psychodermatology is based on the complex interplay between neurological, immunological, cutaneous and endocrine systems, known alternatively as the NICE network, NICS, and by other similar acronyms. The interaction between nervous system, skin, and immunity has been explained by release of mediators from network. In the course of several inflammatory skin diseases and psychiatric conditions, the neuroendocrine-immune-cutaneous network is destabilized.
Looking for more guidance and education? Schedule a complimentary skin assessment and consultation with Bella owner and laser specialist Alethea. She loves custom designing treatment plans to target your skin’s unique goals, guiding and educating you to have the best and healthiest skin.