by Alethea Tinkle

One of the things that stops many people from having amazing skin is not being able to discern fact from fiction. Nope, it’s not laziness or not wanting to invest in the right products – in fact, it’s the total opposite of that!
A ton of skin care advice out there doesn’t work at all, and with the internet becoming such a huge part of our lives, becoming misinformed is easier than ever. Today, I wanted to take a little bit of time to share a few of the biggest skin care myths out there as well as the truth behind them!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You should wear sunscreen every single day. Yep, even if it’s cloudy, even if it’s winter, and even when you plan on being indoors all day.
Skin care Myth #1: You don’t need sunscreen when it’s cloudy
UV rays are ALWAYS there, and even if your skin’s exposure to them isn’t as harsh as when you go on a tropical vacay, they still very much get to your skin and affect its elasticity. If you want to keep your skin glowing and as wrinkle-free as possible, wear SPF every single day. You’ll thank yourself in the long run for making a habit of wearing sunscreen religiously!
I always opt for an SPF of around 30 that has zinc and titanium! Revision Intellishade ® is amazing because it’s a tinted moisturizer that gives your face a bit of color and a healthy glow.
Award-winning formula that leaves a healthy, natural glow. Anti-aging daily moisturizer intelligently designed to deliver the power of 5 anti-aging products in 1. Helps to correct, protect, conceal, brighten and hydrate skin to deliver clinically-proven results. This 5-in-1 moisturizer features over 20 age-defying ingredients, broad-spectrum SPF45 protection plus a universal tint for an instant glow.
Skin care Myth #2: Natural or organic skin care is always better for your skin
While I’m all for natural skin care (I live on a farm, after all!), organic doesn’t always mean it’s better. A ton of self-proclaimed natural skin care products aren’t necessarily chemical-free, and the fact that they do contain ingredients like plants and herbs can actually result in allergies. I’m not necessarily saying you shouldn’t use them, but don’t be fooled by labels and marketing and instead, look for what’s best for your skin.
If you do want to continue using organic, I recommend using products from Farmhouse Fresh! Yep, they’re actually organic and I love the homemade feel they have to them. My current favorite is Guac Star (avocado) for hydration, Soothing Active Yogurt Mask for tightening, and Clarifying Mud Exfoliation Mask for toning and exfoliating my face!
Nope. While exfoliating does definitely have a ton of benefits, doing so more times than necessary will only cause more harm than good. Some of the side-effects of over-exfoliating include redness and irritation, which I’m sure is the opposite of what you’re after! I recommend exfoliating twice a week maximum, and if you suffer from sensitive skin, try doing it only once a week in order to ensure your skin doesn’t get irritated from it.
Nope. Sometimes, quality is better than quantity, and knowing exactly what your skin needs is key to crafting the perfect skin care routine, no matter how simple it may be! Plus, some skin care ingredients don’t work well together and mixing them into your regimen can actually make things worse.
A great example of this is mixing vitamin C and certain acids. These ingredients love being the stars of the show and using them together can result in redness, irritation, and even stressed skin. I wrote an entire post on skin care ingredients you shouldn’t mix in case you want to dive a little deeper and make sure you’re not making this huge mistake in your routine!
Simply put – a good skin care routine is better than an overloaded one. As usual, I recommend heading to a professional so they can take a good look at your skin and the issues you’re facing to better come up with the perfect skin care regimen for you with the correct products you need. Everyone’s skin is unique, so crafting a customized regimen is key to getting that glow you’re after!
Come visit us! We have two locations in Atlanta – one in Buckhead and one in Alpharetta and we’d love to help you personalize a skin care routine that is ideal for your skin type!