Categories: Skin Care2.3 min read

by Alethea Tinkle


We all want healthy, glowing skin, don’t we? I know I certainly do!

As a professional aesthetician, I often have clients come into my medspa and share issues they’re having when it comes to their skin. More often than not, many of these problems are caused by common skin care mistakes they’re making without even realizing it!

Skin care No-No #1: Exfoliating too much

Yep – common skin care mistakes we’ve all probably been guilty of are the usual culprits for issues that can easily be fixed by a change of habits. You’d be surprised how the smallest things we do every day can wreak absolute havoc on our skin, so I decided to share some of the most common skin care no-no’s I see at the spa.

Skin care No-No #2: Mixing the wrong ingredients

Exfoliating has a ton of benefits, but doing it too much or too regularly can actually do more harm than good. I know how tempting it can be to exfoliate daily because it feels oh so good, but doing so too often can be extremely irritating for your skin.

Skin care No-No #3: Not taking your vitamins or eating well

As a rule, aim to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. If you suffer from sensitive skin, then do it only once a week. If you start noticing redness or irritation, exfoliate less often. If you’re new to it, start slowly by exfoliating only once a week to help your skin adjust to its new regimen. After doing so for a month or so, start doing it twice a week and see how your skin reacts.

Skin care No-No #4: Not sleeping enough

There’s no substitute for a good night’s rest. When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle (which is essential for healthy skin), the amount and quality of sleep you get will ultimately make or break your skin.

A few tips to maximize your sleep time:

  • Invest in silk sheets and pillowcases. While you sleep, you’re constantly pressing your face against your pillow, which causes trauma to the skin. A soft set of silk sheets will prevent creasing against rough fabric at night!
  • Sleep with your head above your heart so that blood can drain away from the eye area and you’ll wake up without puffy bags under your eyes.

Skin care No-No #5: Picking at your Skin

I know how tempting it is to pick at your skin when an unfortunate pimple shows up, but try to keep your hands away as much as possible. Not only will it make it look worse, but it can also leave permanent scarring! Here are some much better at-home tips to reduce pimples in times of emergency.