
The Biggest Skincare No-Nos

We all want healthy, glowing skin, don’t we? I know I certainly do! As a professional aesthetician, I often have clients come into my medspa and share issues they’re having when it comes to their skin. More often than not, many of these problems are caused...

How To Keep Your Skin Hydrated All Winter Long

Winters can wreak havoc on our skin. Dryness, itchiness, and irritation are some of the major issues most of my clients face once temperatures begin dropping. It makes sense, really! Cold conditions outside leave your skin feeling raw, while indoorsy heat creates...

3 Things You Can Do At Home For Gorgeous Skin

While professional treatments certainly help, there’s nothing better you can do for your skin than looking after it right from home. As a professional aesthetician, I love researching and trying out the latest technology in the skincare industry, and while...

Biggest Acne Myths and Why They’re Wrong

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders in the USA (and the entire world, for that matter). Nearly 85% of Americans are affected by acne at least once in their lives, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that there are hundreds of myths around the condition....

Should You Moisturize Active Acne?

So you’ve mastered your skincare routine and are doing all the right things — uneven skin tones and dark spots are part of the past, but you’re now facing a new problem you never thought would be: adult acne. Adult acne can be a result of a myriad of...