
She Is Safe: My Family’s Mission and Passion

From the outside, anyone can tell I’m a nurturer. I love the time spent with my Bella clients, my employees, husband, children, parents and my farm animals throughout my long days. There’s something wonderful about giving of yourself and providing for another being...

Celebrating an Anniversary, a Birthday and the New HydraFacial MD

Bella celebrates its tenth year in business this year and I celebrated my 40th birthday this month! Cue the sound of clinking champagne glasses so I can toast everyone for helping me get to these milestones with a smile! A Little History When I opened Bella Medspa,...

How to Have Glowing Skin

Most children, like my own, have glowing skin simply by virtue of being young. But, in your 20s, dullness begins to cast its shadow on your skin as skin cell turnover slows to once a month. By your 50s, the shedding rate has continuously slowed to once every two...

Good Skincare Habits Should Start Early

As a professional aesthetician, I’m here to help you help your skin. When dealing with good skincare habits, there’s always a few basics to keep in mind, especially for my youngest clients. The main thing is consistency and following a consistent routine with the...

Alethea’s Morning Skincare Routine

I’m the small business owner of Bella Medspa, a wife, a mom to two young children and an equestrian, as most of you know. These are all big things that I love and need my attention daily. So, I follow a simple morning routine to keep my outlook on the busy day ahead...

Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

Anyone who knows me knows the breezy tops and shorter skirts that arrive with the warm weather are one reason I love spring. Jackets come off as we move outdoors to restaurant and office patios. Soon, summer will be here with swimsuits and trips to the pool and the...